
mMy name is Lynda Gera and I am, the founder of Sacred Divine Wisdom, The Soul Path Guide, a consciousness EXPANDING coaching and mentoring service. I've been coaching and mentoring since 2013 and feel so privileged to be witness to the external metamorphosis that comes along with deep inner soul work. I am a business owner, an intuitive, a Pranic Healer, and Intuitive Intelligence certified coach. I am a monthly guest on Spirit Talk Radio where I offer guidance and support. I LOVE helping others understand their path, identify old patterns, heal, and release what is preventing them from enjoying a passionate and abundant life but to take REAL action towards ACTUALIZING their purpose.
How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become The Life Path Guide?
To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “compelling story” that brought me to where I am today – MENTORING lost, stuck, and confused souls like you on exactly what to do to heal and RELEASE toxic relationships, limiting beliefs, and situations that have held them in trauma, embrace self-love and forgiveness, increase abundance, and move FORWARD into a life of happiness and passion.
THAT DEFINING moment in my life happened when I was only EIGHT years old and I would question my religious INDOCTRINATION for the next 20 years. At 28, the WAKEUP call slapped me in the face (figuratively) and made sure I got the message.
I WAS raised Catholic but just knew it wasn't the right fit for me. I especially didn't like the idea that I had to involve a “GO-BETWEEN” (and always a male) to communicate with God. “Don’t I have a direct connection?” I wondered. I was shy and feared authority so I went along with it, only questioning it to myself. As a teenager, the library (the Internet wasn't around then) gave me that opportunity to secretly seek out information about spirituality, Eastern beliefs, and my personal favorite topics –reincarnation and karma. When I became an adult, I started rejecting my childhood “PROGRAMMING”, and I would hear “but we did not raise you this way” and I was constantly asked to justify my beliefs.

I MARRIED my high-school sweetheart at 18. We were way too young and emotionally immature to be married. I soon found myself playing the role of my husband’s mother. We had moved 60 miles away from all family and I felt trapped, isolated, and tremendously ALONE. I could not work or go to school as we had only one car. Later I would learn that my husband was already seeking affection elsewhere using his current workplace to meet. After only nine months, at age 19, we divorced and I was devastated. It took two years to heal from the loss of my first love. I was on my own…
MY EMOTIONAL and physical health continued to unravel. I gained a lot of weight and I was angry at my ex-husband and furious with myself. I felt “punished” by my parents for being divorced as I was expected to get a job (I had zero job skills) and move out to live on my own. I found an assembly line job, working nights and I went to college during the day. I isolated myself and fell into SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behaviors partying every weekend. I looked for love wherever I could find it, rushing to intimacy with men who could never give me what I needed. Even one of my doctors made sexual advances while I was still very vulnerable. I had no idea how to handle the situation and it was another trauma to deal with. All this anger, frustration and resentment developed into physical issues. At 20, I ended up in the ER with pancreatitis and had my gallbladder removed – a procedure generally reserved for much older patients. At this point, I was starting to recognize this destructive behavior and make some CHANGES to HEAL.
OVER THE next few years, I lost weight, let go of the past, and continued to improve my job skills and attend college. I shifted from assembly work to office work and then a medical office as a doctor’s assistant for several years. I learned a lot about allopathic medicine and how things work in the background. I continued to read books about metaphysical subjects and explore with MENTORS whenever possible. My personal relationship with men was still unhealthy. I married again, but it quickly devolved into physical abuse. I was supposed to be submissive and subservient. He knew exactly what to do not to leave any bruises, but it was clear that he was powerful, violent, and believed this was normal behavior. EMOTIONALLY drained and self-esteem battered, my family helped me to move out and file for divorce.
I DID NOT recognize the toll that relationship had taken on my self-esteem and did not take time to HEAL. After only a few months, I met my son’s father and we dated on and off for three years. One day, he discussed getting married and then the next day changed his mind and I finally saw the PATTERN of our relationship and decided I needed to break it off. I knew I deserved better. On what was to be our last evening together, I got pregnant that night with my son. Once I told him, the blame game started as well as ugly phone calls from family members during my pregnancy. I would end up filing paternity and once validated, he still decided not to be involved. I would be raising him alone.

AT 28, I received an in your face reminder/wake-up call. While eight months pregnant and unmarried, I was a bridesmaid in my sister’s Catholic wedding. I was still trying to please everyone, and decided to participate fully and that meant I had to go to confession (remember 2nd grade?). When the young priest learned I was pregnant and unmarried he BERATED me and had me in TEARS. That would be the last time I would step foot in a confessional. Organized religion was NOT for me and this was what I needed to let go of past programming and move forward.
I CONTINUED working on my college degree, was promoted to a job that traveled which required a long distance move away from family. I was determined to raise my child without the dogma that inspired guilt and shame and to teach him to question and think for himself. I continued my metaphysical interests learning from amazing mentors and friends along with way. I found a fascination in past-life regression using hypnosis which I learned to do with friends. This opened up my search for knowledge to understand karma and how it affected my life.
I was also interested in HEALING and began practicing Reiki on family and friends. My son grew up surrounded by open minded and spiritually connected men and women for which I am very grateful. RELATIONSHIPS for me were few as I was more discerning. Another heartbreak when my son was eight and I knew I needed to heal and work on myself.
I CHANGED jobs in 2005, and started to travel internationally for work. Most of my travels were eye-opening, engaging, and life-affirming, but I also suffered and survived a horrific act of sexual violence while abroad. All of my experiences, training, and spiritual beliefs assisted me in healing this event in my life. This same year, my son sustained a brain injury that would take several years to heal and change his career permanently.
AT AGE 50, I met and married a man while working in India. I knew this relationship was KARMIC and although it wasn't meant to last, it would be the best relationship with a partner I would experience so far. It was loving and we learned a lot from each other which helped shape who I am today. We had too much respect and love for each other to be intentionally cruel, but it became increasingly CLEAR it wasn't a good fit. As our relationship amiably dissolved, we would continue to support each other through the transition.

I FOUND my way back to my metaphysical practices yet again at this critical time in my life. I met an amazing spiritual mentor. She opened up many doors for me and, with her help, I CONNECTED with many spiritual beings. I was GUIDED to move to California as my son’s fiancé had just passed away from cancer and we decided to “HEAL” together.
I STARTED a meditation group on Meet-up and started meeting like-minded people and assisting with their path. The following year, we traveled together, along with my son, EXPLORING and growing. This was enormous for me and exactly what I needed to get back on my spiritual PATH.

I LEARNED to telepathically connect with my spiritual guardians. Soon, I began hosting a weekly Circle of Light – bringing divine messages, clarity, and CONNECTION to people who felt blocked, lost or misunderstood. In addition to using my intuitive gifts, I found myself coaching and mentoring the members of my circle. I fully embraced the opportunity to work with people on a deeper, more actionable level. Many of my former members have since moved on to run their own spiritual practices.
AND THE GIRL who loved the library never stopped learning. I have extensively studied everything from natural and alternative health care including detoxing, nutrition, essential oils, and supplements to other modalities of spiritual connection such as intuitive readings and mentoring.
My son found a PASSION for crystals, and we began to collaborate at spiritual and wellness fairs – he, selling crystals, and me, Soul Path Discovery readings, wrapped crystal pendants, and natural products.
AT THIS TIME, I was divinely guided to meet a Pranic Healer. In November, my shoulder began to chronically ache and my movement was severely impacted. She helped me not only release much of my shoulder pain but realize my next step. I became a Pranic Healer - it RESONATED so clearly with the emotional and physical healing work that I believe is part of my soul path. I also certified as an Intuitive Intelligence Coach which aligns with my work assisting the spiritually AWAKENED to support their growth, releasing trauma or past life emotions, awakening their intuition and discernment, and helping them to speak their truth. I also ally with Tony Robbins philosophy and have attended many events as a participant and crew. His coaching program is another tool I use to assist my clients.
I HAVE WORKED with clients to remove toxicity from their lives which includes everything from their toxic thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and relationships as well as removing toxic food, makeup, and household detergents and cleaners from their lives. These changes were the CATALYST to bring about lasting, massive shifts in their lives, bodies, and souls.
I CONTINUED to walk my true path which is teaching others how they can do the same: I watch them realize their personal power too!.

I have since made a COMMITMENT to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping others spiritually empower themselves, make the changes necessary to free themselves emotionally and spiritually, and live a PASSIONATE and continually-EVOLVING life.
I HAVE created Master Your Soul Path: Toxic to Transformation™ a three month program. The program includes: Soul Path Discovery readings, Physical and Emotional Pranic Healing sessions, one-on-one sessions with me, and tools for you to use to increase your inner knowing and RELEASE trauma and emotional triggers. In short, recognize your soul path and understand how your daily choices shape your path. Go to My Program Detail for more information.

Are you ready to:
↠ Release trauma, depression, sadness, anger, resentment and
want to move forward on their path
↠ Release relationship patterns and old “stories” and
create a new healthy story
↠ Let go of limiting beliefs
↠Increase your abundance by changing your negative
self-talk to self-love talk
↠ Listen to your intuition and practice discernment
↠ Include guided meditation as a practice and not sure
how or had a bad experience
↠ Let go of those who do not support you and create a tribe of support
i am here to support you!
WE ALL NEED guides or mentors no matter where we are on our PATH. I work with people just like you who are newly awakened or have been awake for a while but have not truly focused on themselves. All walks of life will benefit - from consultants, professionals, practitioners, energy workers, sales professionals and men and women entrepreneurs who are really GOOD at what they do; but find that they need help with overcoming a trauma, need self-LOVE and reassurance, feel depressed, lost or frustrated with the 3D illusion of life and need to get back on track with a passionate, abundant life.
What makes you different from other “coaches”?
IF YOU read My Story, I share some rather intimate experiences in my life. The purpose of sharing my history is to help you understand that you are not alone (as I felt I was at 19) and that much of what you are going through, I too, have experienced. I don’t believe it is important to have experienced everything someone is going through in order to help someone but some experience helps. Each life experience enabled me to change my story and HEAL my trauma, bring in abundance and love to my life.
From MY HEART comes a RESULTS driven program to work on the inner and outer principals of your Path and your Story coming from a spiritual perspective. What that means to you is that you get a Wise-Sage-Meets-Kick-Butt Authentic Soul Path Guide!

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The Master Your Soul Path: Toxic to Transformation program was created for people who are absolutely EXCITED and dead serious about changing their story– it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I am not good enough”, “I am stuck”, or repeating your “victim” story to anyone who will LISTEN. It was created for you to put a practice in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to increasing your inner KNOWING, discernment so that you are making decisions from the heart and not from your head (ego). Letting go of negative self-talk brings in ABUNDANCE and success.
Being a Soul Seeker myself, interested in SELF IMPROVEMENT and spiritual growth, I’m known to work best with other like minded Souls, people who are COMMITTED to their success no matter what who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to ELIMINATE blocks and open themselves to INNER changes. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!”
Consider what YOUR LIFE will be like when you work with me on a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to CHANGE your story, develop CONFIDENCE using your inner knowing. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. NO EXCUSES anymore, just a very different way of thinking and FULL SUPPORT while you ACHIEVE this incredibly exciting goal: connect with your soul path, tap into your inner KNOWING, change your self-talk to bring in abundance and friendships, and ultimately, CHANGE YOUR STORY.

I AM VERY spiritual and I don’t pretend to hide it. Everything comes from the heart but I’m not delicate, I can be direct and you’ll always get a straight to the point quick and honest response from me. The TRUTH about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting RESULTS in record time (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!).
For what type of clients are your programs NOT going to work?
Please know I’m very SELECTIVE in who I work with and I select my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) The Awaken Your Soul Path: Toxic to Transformation programs are NOT for those who have no money coming in or are absolutely, financially desperate, at least not right away. It’s been my experience that people in financial crisis do not TRUST the recommendations I give them and do not do the work (probably because they spend so much time worrying about where they are going to get next month’s rent check or mortgage payment.) If you fall within this category, I UNDERSTAND it’s absolutely OK. We’ve all been in times of financial crisis at one point or another. I HAVE been there. IF you fall into this category, here are some suggestions to get ready for your transformation:
1. Get some money coming in with a full-time or part-time job at the very least, and then call me. This will take the edge off and provide a little more peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to focus on your Master Your Soul Path: Toxic to Transformation assignments and the BIG picture. Once you start feeling the changes in yourself with your new story, you will be excited you took this step.
2. Make a point to read my posts and weekly videos. These tips are updated each week and will give you LOTS to think about. Join my Private FB Group. See the Events tab for the link.
DOING THESE things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. (I’m in no rush and will be here when you need me.)
OTHER personalities I won’t work with (without exception) are the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn't want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?